
Chapter One: What is Reiki 靈氣是什麼


Chapter Two: The Traditional History of the Usui Reiki System  臼井靈氣系統的


             The Traditional History of the Reiki  靈氣的傳統歷史


             The Reiki Myth 靈氣傳說


             The Reiki Myth Explored 靈氣傳說的探索


             How the System became divided 靈氣系統如何變成分歧


             Factional Confusion 派別迷思


             Summary 摘要


Chapter Three: Modern Research Into Reiki's History 現代研究進入靈氣歷史


Chapter Four: The Five Principles of Reiki 靈氣5項守則


             Just for Today, I will count my many blessing. 就在今天,我對所有事心



             Just for Today, I will not worry. 就在今天,我不擔心憂慮。


       Just for Today, I will not be angry. 就在今天,我不生氣。


       Just for Today, I will do my work honestly. 就在今天,我誠實地工作。


       Just for Today, I will be kind to every living creature. 就在今天,我善待



Chapter Five: The Different Degrees of Reiki Energy  不同等級的靈氣能量


Chapter Six: Healing with First Degree Energy 初級療癒能量


            Energy Sensitivity 能量敏感度

            Initial Client Treatment 顧客的初次治療

            What If It Doesn’t Work 如果靈氣沒有作用

            Types Of Disease and The Healing Crisis 疾病型態及療癒危機期


Chapter Seven: A Sample Healing Session 靈氣療癒流程的範例


              Cleansing the lower legs 清除腿部下半部能量

              Balancing the energy centers 平衡能量中心

              Before the client leaves 在顧客離開前

              After the client leaves 在顧客離開後


Chapter Eight: An Introduction to Second Degree Reiki 中級靈氣介紹


              The Second Degree Symbols 中級靈氣符號


Chapter Nine: The Power Symbol 力量符號


Chapter Ten: The Mental/Emotional Symbol 心智/情緒符號


            The Door Technique 通道技巧

            Emotional Cord Cutting 切斷情緒索

            How to Handle Upsetting Emotional Releases 如何處理煩亂的情緒釋放

            What you can tell by how the symbol is traced 從所劃的符號了解情況

            Memory Assistance 記憶回想的輔助


Chapter Eleven: The Distant Healing Symbol 遠距治療符號


               Sending Reiki to heal past emotional traumas 傳送靈氣治療過去的情



               Healing Fears and Phobias at a distance 遠距療癒憂慮及恐懼


               Sending the energy at a distance 遠距傳送療癒能量


Chapter Twelve: Group Healing 團體療癒法


               The traditional method 傳統的療癒法

               Mirroring 鏡像療癒法

               Group healing with first and second degree practitioners初中級從業者


               The circle method 圓圈療癒法

               Group Projecting 團體投射療癒法

               Sacred shapes and their uses 神聖圖案及其應用的療癒法

               Passing the Hat 轉換角色療癒法

               Be considerate 為顧客著想


Chapter Thirteen: Treating without Touching  無須碰觸身體的療癒法

                The Aura sweep 氣場的清理

                Projecting 投射

                Scanning 掃描

               “Hands-Off” Treatment 不干涉療法


Chapter Fourteen: Self Healing with Reiki 自我靈氣治療


Chapter Fifteen: Empowering Goals with Reiki 用靈氣增強目標物的力量

               How to use Rekei to empowering goals 如何使用靈氣增強目標物的力


               Healing Habits with First Degree energy 初級靈氣能量治療習性

               Specific information for healing habits 治療習性的特別資訊


Chapter Sixteen: Protection with Reiki 靈氣防護法

               What to do if you feel pain   當你感覺疼痛時如何使用靈氣療癒

               The Mental/Emotional symbol’s projective qualities 心智/情緒符號的防


               Cleansing spaces with Reiki 用靈氣淨化空間

               Reiki on the road 在路上如何使用靈氣

               Protection of property with Reiki 使用靈氣作財產的防護


Chapter Seventeen: Using Reiki on Animals, Plants, and Other Items 使用靈氣


                 Reiki and Animals 靈氣與動物

                 Using Reiki with Plants 對植物使用靈氣

                 Treating Food and Drinks with Reiki 用靈氣處理食物及飲料

                 Miscellaneous things to treat 用靈氣處理其他事物

                 The healing Picture 療癒用的照片

                 Reiki on the Go 運轉中的靈氣


Chapter Eighteen: The Healing Space  療癒空間


Chapter Nineteen: Crystals, Consciousness, and Manifestation with Reiki


                The Basics and Cleansing 基本要素及淨化

                Basic Crystal Charging 基礎水晶充電

                Using Crystal for Distant Healing 使用水晶遠距療癒

                How to set up and use a Crystal Healing Grid 如何啟動和使用水晶陣


                Charging the Grid 水晶陣充電

                Other users for Crystals in Reiki healing  其他靈氣水晶療癒者的方法


Chapter Twenty: Special Situations and Reiki 特別的狀況與靈氣


               Death, Dying and Reiki 往生者、臨終者與靈氣


Chapter Twenty-One: The Traditional Hand Positions 傳統療癒手勢及位置


Chapter Twenty-Two: Starting Up Your Own Reiki Practice 開始自己的靈氣治療



Chapter Twenty-Three: Third Degree Reiki 高級靈氣


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    Grace心想愿成俱樂部 -Grace Wishes Come True Club-Golden Sun Age-超時空宇宙

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