心想願成 公告
目前分類:Grace心想愿成俱樂部-Grace拍賣會 (4)
- Aug 05 Sat 2017 23:10
Grace心想願成俱樂部-Grace愛藝術-太陽油畫SUN OIL PAINING
- Aug 05 Sat 2017 19:01
Grace心想願成俱樂部-Grace愛藝術-現代藝術家Caroline Mandrafina
Caroline discovered painting with Olivier Pfleger.
Since 2006, she devotes herself entirely to painting.
Introduced to palette knife painting by her companion, Caroline now makes her own way.
Her earlier work is full of vibrant colours expressing her happiness. Woman of the sun and sea, from shimmering red to dazzling yellow, the light of her paintings is warm yet questioning. Today, her work is more elusive, more abstract, the landscapes transfigured under the energy of her palette knife. Fantasy and onirism compete for a place in the Sun.
- Aug 05 Sat 2017 18:20
- May 29 Sun 2016 16:19