(1).增強豐盛能量法Abundantia's Abundance Empowerment。
(2).大天使夏彌爾無條件愛的能量增強法Archangel Chamuel's Unconditional Love Empowerment。
(3).大天使加百列的喜悅禮物能量增強法Archangel Gabriel's Gift of Joy Empowerment。
(4).大天使加菲爾靈魂覺醒能量增強法Archangel Jophiel's Soul Awakening Empowerment。
(5).大天使米迦勒切斷情緒索能量增強法Archangel Michael's Cutting the Cords Empowerment。
(6).大天使拉裴爾療癒能量增強法Archangel Raphael's Healing Empowerment
(7).大天使烏列爾和平與寧靜能量增強法Archangel Uriel's Peace and Tranquility Empowerment。
(8).大天使薩基爾寬恕能量增強法Archangel Zadkiel's Forgiveness Empowerment
(9).激發天使之心法Activating The Angels of the Heart。
(10).古代埃及咒語啟動能量法Ancient Egyptian Mantra Initiation。
(11).連結天使能量法Angel Contact。
(12).天使能量冥想法Angel Energy Meditations。
(13).啟發覺知天使的意識Angel of Awareness。
(13).啟發喜悅的天使Angel of Happiness
(14).啟發愛的意識的天使Angel of Loving Consciousness
(15).啟發豐盛的天使Angel of Prosperity
(16).啟發釋放的天使Angel of Release
(17).啟發自我療癒的天使Angel of Self Healing
(18).啟發天使之翼Angel Wings
(19).天使儀式Angelic Rituals
(20). Antahkarana 療癒能量Antahkarana Healing
(21).天使五角星Angel's Pentagram
(22).抗輻射靈氣Anti Radiation Reiki
(23).啟動全能天使提升能量法Ascension Activation with the Mighty Archangels
(24).自我點化平衡能量法Balance Out Self Attunement
(25).自我點化藍色火焰能量法Blue Fire Manual
(26).大腦層面靈氣Brain Layers Reiki
(27).幸福呼吸法Breathe of Bliss
(28).佛陀能量增強法Buddha Empowerment
(29).佛陀療癒之手增強能量法Buddha's Healing Hands Empowerment
(30).諸佛完美藍色之光Buddhas Perfect Blue Light
(31).呼喚你的藍色火焰天使Calling your Blue Flame Angels
(32).天堂喜悅能量Celestial Joy Energy
(33).連結組織能量Connective Tissue
(34).校準宇宙能量Cosmic Alignments
(35).宇宙合十靈氣Cosmic Namaste Reiki
(36).水晶洞穴能量Crystal cave Manual
(37).水晶之風Crystal Wind
(38).水晶形活水基礎Crystaline Living Water Matrix
(39).深層潛意識療癒Deep Subconscious Healing 1 and 2
(40).神聖之光Divine Light
(41).神聖防護靈氣Divine Protection Reiki
(42).DNA療癒能量DNA Healing
(43).海豚淨化水活化法Dolphin Clear Waters Activation
(44).海豚三部曲防護環Dolphin Trilogy Ring of protection
(45).海豚白色波浪法Dolphin White Wave
(46).彩虹火焰鼓聲Drumbeat of the Rainbow Fire
(47).提升地球能量Earth Energy Boost
(48).地球之光Earth Light
(49).地球星星點化法Earth Star Attunement
(50).遮蔽能量增強法Eclipse Energy Empowerment
(51).乙太能量針炙法 Etheric Acupuncture
(52).能量過濾法Energy Filter
(53).呼喚海仙女Fairies of the Sea
(54).財務湧進服務Financial Influx Service
(55).和平玫瑰之火焰Flame of Peace Rosary
(56).合成靈氣Fusion Reiki
(57).給予感恩能量增強法Giving Thanks Empowerment
(58).神的名稱祈請法Gods Names Invocation
(59).金色海豚愛的梅爾卡巴Golden Dolphin Merkaba of Love
(60).金色水活化法Golden Water Activation
(61).偉大靈性母親之星Great Spirit Mother Star
(62).快樂路徑Happy Trails
(63).連結高我Higher Self
(64).高層宇宙療癒法Higher Universal Healing
(65).圖像靈氣Image Reiki
(66).卡里瑪新月能量增強法Kali Ma New Moon Empowerment
(67).昆達里尼歐米茄減弱功能Kundalini Omega Minus Function
(68).觀音慈悲能量增強法Kuan Yin's Compassion Empowerment
(69).點亮人生道路法Lighten The Load
(70).幸運閃光靈氣Lightning Reiki
(71).活水夏克緹Living Waters Shakti
(72).源頭之愛Love from the Source
(73).彌勒佛的教導與啟蒙Maitreya's Education and Inspiration Empowerment
(74).麥基洗得合成光束Melchizedek Synthesis Ray
(75).梅林的神聖神奇能量增強法Merlin's Divine Magic Empowerment
(76).金錢自由能量增強法Money Freedom Empowerment
(77).增強摩西的勇氣、誠實及領到能量法Moses Braveness, Trustfullness and Leadership Empowerment
(78).聖母瑪麗的愛與照護能量Mother Mary’s Loving and Caring Touch Empowerment
(79).聖母瑪麗天使之后─耐心Mother Mary Queen of Angels - Patience
(80).多重時刻Multi Moments
(81).多重非凡時刻Multi Singular Moments
(82).希臘神斯芬克斯之甘露Nectar of the Sphinx
(83).愛之海洋Oceans of Love
(84).八角星四方能量Octagon Star Tetra Energy
(85).Om聲能量增強法Om Empowerment
(86).控制疼痛能量Pain Management Empowerment
(87).梅花盛開能量浴Plum Blossom Energy Bath
(88).超自然防護火焰Psychic Protection Flame
(90).純淨光明能量Pure Bright Energy Empowerment
(91).紫色火淨化業力法Purple Fire for Karma Clearing
(92).海之彩虹海豚Rainbow Dolphins of the Sea #1
(93).彩虹海豚與觀音之夢Rainbow Dolphin Dreams with Quan Yin #2
(94).彩虹海豚和鯨魚與大地之母蓋亞Rainbow Dolphin and Cetaceans with Mother Gaia #3
(95).希望光束自我點化法Ray of Hope Self Attunement
(96).靈氣彩虹Reiki Rainbows
(97).財富靈氣Riches Reiki
(98).光之河River of Light
(99).海鹽能量淨化Sea Salt Energy
(100).濕婆林珈精華Shiva Lingham Essence
(101).狼之靈性Spirit Wolf
(102).聖日耳曼七次元能量St Germain 7th Dimensional
(103).聖日耳曼紫色火焰能量St Germain's Violet Flame Empowerment
(104).星光星碼活化法Starlight Star Code Activation
(105).蘇里亞夏克緹能量Surya Shakti
(106).靈性勇氣能量增強法The Courage of Spirit Empowerment
(107).耶穌療癒之手增強法The Hands of Jesus Healing Empowerment
(108).七道光束能量The Seven Rays
(109).靈性擁抱增強法The Spiritual Cuddle Empowerment
(110).寧靜/整合能量增強法The Tranquility/Integrity Empowerment
(111).綠松石火焰Turquoise Flame
(112).雙胞胎火焰Twin Flames
(113).宇宙祝福及宇宙和平Universal Blessings and Universal Peace
(114).整合所有自我層面Whole-self Axiatonal Alignment