Tap into your hara energy!
接通你的原生(hara energy)能量!
Energy is omnipresent. We are energy, the objects around you, seen and unseen are energy.
Einstein pointed out an intimate link between energy with his equation E=MC2 .
To practice reiki you don't need special paranormal gifts.
All you have to understand is that energy is all around you and ready to be tapped with your mind.
Reiki is a specific form of 'hands on' energy healing developed in Japan . A reiki practitioner
channels energy from the infinite reservoir around himself and directs it into the recipient's energy field.
Reiki provides benefits similar to chi gong, pranayama, and tai chi. Reiki revitalizes the physical body and clears energy blockages that debilitate. To a certain degree it can restore a body ravaged by bacteria, viruses, your own negative thoughts and psychic onslaught.
靈氣提供的效益相似氣功(qi gong),調息瑜珈(pranayama),和太極(tai chi)。
When you become a Reiki professional you can heal yourself and other people. Self healing implies more than mere bodily healing; it also involves enhancing the quality of your life. Take an example. After two months of John's first reiki clearing, he resigned from a profession that depressed him. New opportunities appeared, which he took. Eventually he achieved balance.
Reiki does not require a specific belief system. The practice is non-denominational
Reiki treatments. 靈氣療法。
A typical healing session lasts about thirty minutes. The practitioner lays hands in certain positions over the recipient's body. Reiki is completely non-invasive and the client remains fully clothed. During the healing, warmth is felt and a tingling sensation marks the flow of energy..
一個典型療癒時間至少30分鐘。這個療癒者的手覆蓋在接收者身體某些位置。靈氣是完全非侵入式的,這個委託人仍然是穿著衣服的。經過療癒,溫熱感和刺刺感覺都標記顯示了能量的流動。Because reiki relaxes so completely, the recipient often falls asleep during a treatment. It can be one of the best ways to release stress!
Reiki Attunements靈氣點化
Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques are taught. It is traditionally transferred to the student by a Reiki practitioner with an awakened energy system. Through the Transfer or "Attunement", the principle of resonance causes the recipient to awaken his energetic body. This process opens the crown, heart, and palm chakras and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source.
The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The attunement energies are channeled into the student through the Reiki "Master."
There have been reports that attunement increases psychic sensitivity. Students report experiences involving: opening of the third eye, increased intuitive awareness, and other psychic abilities after receiving a Reiki attunement After obtaining a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. It does not wear off and you can never lose it. While one attunement is all you need, two succeeding attunements are recommended to fully engorge the energy systems with life giving chi. Benefits include refinement of the Reiki energy one is channeling, increased strength of the energy, healing of personal problems, increased psychic sensitivity, and a an awakened mind. Attunements are usually given by someone who has taken Third degree Reiki, which is often considered master level
這邊已經報告這個點化增加了心靈感受力。學生報告經驗包含:開啟第三眼,增加直覺覺察力,並且其他心靈能力都能在接收靈氣點化後獲得。經過獲得靈氣點化後,你將會擁有靈氣對你其餘人生。它並不會消失你也絕不的失去它。第一次點化全部都是你需要的,第二成功點化建議你使用生命禮物氣(giving chi)去完全沉浸充滿能量系統。收獲包括精練靈氣能量其中之一就是通道,增加能量的力量,療癒個人問題,增加心靈敏感度,並且喚醒心智。點化通常給予的是第三級次的靈氣,不過通常一般人考慮的都是大師級次。
The Reiki attunement kick starts a healing process that scrubs clean stagnant energy, awakens the chakras, erases negative emotional imprints and other detrimental patterns that holds one back.
A first level reiki attunement allows one to heal himself and others of minor discomforts.
A level two reiki attunement allows one to heal graver maladies and emotional ills.
A third level attunement gives one the power to attune others to the energy and spawn masters similar to himself. This works through the principle of resonance: imagine striking a tuning fork. The sound waves from this fork propagates and makes forks nearby resonate with the same energy.