Discover An Amazingly Simple Way To
Become A Highly Knowledgeable Reiki
Master Teacher.
"World Renown Reiki Master Reveals
Everything You Need To Become A
Top Reiki Master Teacher"
"Imagine if one of the world's top Reiki Master Teachers
came to your house to tutor you!"
Here's a very partial list of the information contained in "The Ultimate Reiki Workshop" :
Comprehensive Knowledge of the Basics
2. Discussion of the history of Reiki, its core foundational systems, and how it
developed in the West
3.Whether or not different types of Reiki exist
4.The differences between the energy of the three traditional levels
5.Willed vs. Invocative healing
6.Switching between levels of energy
7.Energy sensitivity and how to feel energy
8.How to change the way energy feels to you
9.All about Reiki guides and angels
10.How to call on, communicate with, and work with Reiki guides and angels
11.Real life examples of dealing with entities and possession during Reiki
sessions and attunements
12.The best way to deal with entities and possession using Reiki
13.The importance of belief and what you have been told regarding Reiki, and
the impact on how you can use the energy
14.The importance of attunements
15.Loss of Reiki energy
Traditional Usui Reiki
1.The history of Traditional Usui Reiki
2.Traditional Usui Reiki lineage
3.The symbols for Traditional Usui Reiki
4.Different versions of the system
5.Full documentation including all symbols
Usui-Tibetan Reiki
1.The history of Usui-Tibetan Reiki
2.Usui-Tibetan Reiki lineage
3.The symbols for Usui-Tibetan Reiki
4.How it differs from Usui Reiki
5.Full documentation including all symbols
Tibetan Reiki
1.The history of Tibetan Reiki
2.Tibetan Reiki lineage
3.he symbols for Tibetan Reiki
4.Different versions of the system
5.How it differs from Usui Reiki
6.Full documentation including all symbols
The Reiki system formerly known as Sai Baba Reiki
1. Complete original instruction on this system which forms the basis of several
of the most popular Reiki systems today including Karuna Reiki and Tera-Mai
2. Copies of all of the ‘long lost' original handouts created by system founder
Kathleen Milner
3. How this foundational system of Reiki differs from Tibetan Reiki, Usui-Tibetan
Reiki, and traditional Usui Reiki
4. Full original instruction in all of the original symbols
5.Experience a powerful meditation by system founder Kathleen Milner
6.Sai Baba Reiki lineage
7.How to teach this form of Reiki
JohRei (also spelled JoRei)
1.Important differences between the JohRei Reiki and the various JohRei
societies and churches
2. Research into the origin of the JohRei Reiki symbol and how it differs from
other JohRei symbols
3. How the symbol and spread through different Reiki systems
Silver Ray Reiki (Expanded Tibetan)
1. The origin and history of Silver Ray Reiki
2. Learn why many masters have expressed that Reiki is an earth current that
is missing higher energy frequencies
3. One of the world's top energy workers looked into this and developed a
supplemental energy attunement for Reiki practitioners
4. A full discussion of this energy, called Expanded Tibetan or Silver Ray Reiki
5.The relation of Silver Ray Reiki to other types of energy and Reiki systems
6.How to get the attunement for free
7.How to make sure everyone you have attuned in the past, as well as in the
future, get this energy automatically
8. Why normal attunements don't work to transmit this form of Reiki
9. How to attune people
10.Silver Ray/Expanded Tibetan Reiki lineage
11.The name of a Tibetan guide that is important in transferring the energy
Gemstone Reiki
1.The origin and history of Gemstone Reiki
2.A description of the energy
3.Using the energy for balancing
3.Gemstone Reiki lineage
4. How to attune people to Gemstone Reiki
The Antahkarana
1.Where this powerful symbol came from
2.What it was originally used for
3.How to use it optimally
4.Whether or not it should be photocopied
5.Experiments and experiences that suggest it might not be a good idea to
permanently use or display it
6.Why so much controversy surrounds the use of this symbol
Reiki Stacks
1.How to send energy to many people at once with a minimal amount of time
and effort
2.How to send energy simultaneously to an infinite number of different points
in time
3.How to extend the use of Reiki beyond people to homes, cars, and any other
4.A powerful advanced procedure to send energy to, and affect change in the
past, present, and future
Crystals and Reiki
1.The types of crystals that are best to use with Reiki sessions
2.How to select the most appropriate crystals for a given situation
3.How to create powerful crystal grid works
4.How to program a crystal grid for manifestation, healing, empowerment, and
much more
5.How to optimally charge crystals and crystal grids, and keep them charged
with very little time and effort
6.Different types of crystal grids and what each is used for
7.How to attune crystals to Reiki
Divas and Reiki
1.How to work with divas to enhance your Reiki sessions
2.How to create an optimum environment to bring them in to enhance the
3.How to call in high order healing and Reiki divas
4.How to ask divas for assistance and information
Different levels of healing
1.Physical healing
2.Mental healing
3.Emotional healing
4.Spiritual healing
Reiki Sessions
1.How to best prepare for a session
2.How to conduct a Reiki session, from before it begins to after it ends
3.The best incense to use with Reiki sessions
4. Why to conduct Reiki sessions on someone for three consecutive days
5.Helping get people into a healing mindset
6.How to put someone to sleep during a Reiki session so they will draw energy
more consistently
7.A well researched and powerfully effective charging procedure to use before
a Reiki session
8. How to ask a healing angel to go with a person after a Reiki session
Becoming a Top Master/Teacher
The role of a Reiki master/teacher
How to teach every Reiki level and what to include in your classes
Adapting your Reiki classes to the people that attend
The role of the master in a teaching environment
What is the relationship between energy that you can transmit and the
power of your attunements
How to maximize your success as a master/teacher
How to enhance the power of attunements
The optimum number of people for a class
What should the waiting time between Reiki levels be
How children view Reiki, should children be initiated, examples of children
that have been initiated and taught Reiki
How important is performing healing for a master/teacher
Additional information about the Second Degree Symbols from a master's
How important is the master you choose to be attuned from
Should you receive attunements from more than one master
Does position in a lineage affect the ‘power' of a master's Reiki energy
How to deal with dogma and politics in the healing community and other
people's issues with your success
How to address of question of “Do you get what you pay for with Reiki
instruction and attunements”
How to prepare for an attunement
A well researched and powerfully effective charging procedure to use before
a Reiki attunement
The best incense to use with Reiki attunements
Clairvoyant information about what is happening at each stage of the
attunement process
What a Reiki attunement is, and how to best grow beyond it
How to get rid of an attunement
Does self initiation really work
Choosing between individual and group attunements, finding a good mix
Advantages to group attunement
Optimum ways to perform group attunements
Full instruction on how to attune someone to Reiki I, II and III
Watch as an attunement is fully explained while it is demonstrated
Many discussions of differences between various attunement styles and
which are most effective
Effects of the attunements and what to expect from the different levels and
Distant attunement techniques
Do distance attunements work
Which attunements can be performed at a distance
How to perform distance attunements for maximum effectiveness
Several different methods of distant attunement
The most effective distant Reiki attunement method
Working with solar angels to maximize the effectiveness of distant
Benefits and consequences of group distant attunement
The role of intuition in performing distant attunements
Recommendations regarding what avoid if you currently use surrogates for
distant attunement
When and how to send distant attunements
What clairvoyants see during a distant attunement
Practice along with the DVD
Student practice sessions were not edited out of the DVD
Practice along with the student's in the class as they are walked through
the violet breath and performing attunements
Benefit from and feel the energy from the demonstrations and practice
Watch and practice as many times as you need
Printed Materials Include
The Complete Guide to Reiki
The Complete Guide to Reiki, Vol II: A Master's Toolbox
The Complete Guide to Reiki for Masters (the class Master manual for the
Hayashi's Reiki manual
Original typewritten notes with illustrations from a first degree class with
Mrs. Takata
Takata's original master's certificate
Original Sai Baba Reiki Level I handout
Original Sai Baba Reiki Level II handout
Original Sai Baba Reiki Level III handout
2 full Tibetan Reiki Manuals from the lineage of Ralph White and Craig Ellis
Full Antakarana handout including several versions of this powerful symbol
A complete set of original handouts from the Crystal Grid Workshop
A vast array of Reiki symbols covering many systems
Copy of a press interview with Mrs. Takata (shown in the DVD's)
A Master level JohRei degree manual
A copy of Reiki Master Spinal therapy (as mentioned in the DVD's)
Sample class flyers
Sample class display advertisements